Sunday, January 02, 2011

New Year's day with the Polar Bear Club

Saturday I was up early and dressed so we could go to the Polar Bear Splash in Brigantine. There were about 1500 spectators and maybe 150 brave souls, who I joined for the swim.

Before the ceremonies people were taking pictures of others in their costumes, I guess I was very noticeable and had about 20 different people who needed their picture with me. I've never claimed I pass, I'm fairly muscular and (some people call) stocky, I prefer to say I'm full figured. tust me, if I could be tall and thin I'd go for it. All I knew and cared about was how everyone was kissing me and wanting a picture of and with me. My wife was taking the pictures.

div>There were some ceremonies and at 12 noon sharp blew the horn for us to make the splash. I was in the front, but didn't need to be first in, people were running by me like there was a fire sale at Macy's. I guess I finally got in after 3/4 of them passed me. Surprisingly the water wasn't that bad, I went in about waist level, I could mess my makeup or hair.

Afterwards a lot of participants went to the Rod & Reel, sort of a "Red Neck" joint, but a lot of fun to go to. They were giving out prizes for the most imaginative costumes, they had 3 category's, I won first place for one of them. All in All it was a really nice day, I hope the rest of the years goes as well.

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