Thursday, September 08, 2011

My comments to the story below

Posted: Thursday, September 1, 2011 12:01 am
Gay bride deserves
a happy wedding
Regarding the Aug. 26 story, "Somers Pt. shop stuck in she said, she said dispute" concerning a disagreement between a gay bride and the Here Comes the Bride shop:
I find it very depressing that a person who chose to share her happiness - and who is trying to be who she always has been, not by choice but by nature - has had that special moment ripped from her heart.
I have run into many people who find it necessary to try to destroy the happiness of others who do not live traditional lives. Alternative-lifestyle people become very easy targets.
My wife and I know many gay people. Never have any of them degraded or insulted us for being heterosexuals. On the other hand, some of our more traditional acquaintances have attempted to change our minds about whom we choose to be friends with. They have ostracized us and spread outrageous lies and rumors about us because of our honesty and openness. Fortunately, many more people have been accepting after realizing I and other alternative people are no threat.
I think the owner of Here Comes the Bride should have a chance to reconsider her decision.
There are many more alternative people out there than you'll ever know. As Shakespeare said, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

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