Sunday, August 17, 2008

I intimidated a police Captian

Friday nights I go out to a couple local "traditional" lounges as Louise. I must meet or be introduced to 50 new people a night, I lose tract and rarely remember a name or profession.

This past Friday I was in Somers Point at an upscale restaurant that has a nice dance band. I was "working the bar" just to talk, when a person who has met me before said, let me introduce you to some friends of mine. It was a gentleman with his wife and sister in law, we talked for a few minuets and finally he told me that they had seen me for a couple years at different lounges and were always afraid to talk with me. It turned out that he was a just retired police Captain from the Camden Police department, when I last checked, I think Camden was one of the top ten city's in the nation for the higest crime rate, I didn't think I was that scary, maybe I better check my mirror again?

Anyway, we talked a couple hours and he wants me to arm wrestle a friend of his because his friend embarrasses him where ever he goes because he challenges everyone to arm wrestle, I don't think I'm that tough, but it would be a hoot if I did beat this person, being a mature, 5'3 tall guy in a dress.

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