Monday, June 15, 2009

A night at the Red Neck Bar

Over the last few months, my wife, her friend and myself as Louise have been patronizing what I consider a "Red Neck" bar in Brigantine, my description of Red Neck bars is where everyone wears "wife beater" T shirts, drives a pickup truck and has a tool belt strapped on them, well it's not quite that demonstrative, but you get the idea, it AIN'T a place for girls like Louise.

As the night went on and the three of us sang a little Karaoke and had a few adult beverages I was taking some pictures of my wife singing. A young, very attractive lady came over to me and mentioned she had seen me on the Boardwalk during the Miss America Pageant and wanted to remark about how much she admired my courage for being so out. She was very complimentary and noticed everything about me including the way I carried myself with so much confidence. I think that is one of my key attributes to being accepted so well into all lifestyles.

As we were talking there was a man next to us who had seen me there before and offered me a drink, I tried to discourage him politely but he insisted, so he bought me a shot so we could do a toast, he also was very animate that he was totally "STRAIGHT", but after the toast he took my face in his hands and in front of his friends and this lady said "You are so beautiful", well maybe he was straight, but as I always quite myself (I turn gay men straight and Straight men gay".

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