Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Sunday at the Famers Market

My wife and I had a non event day so we decided to go to the Berlin, NJ Farmers Market. I don't want to sound judgmental but this is a pretty lower income place mostly patronized by farm workers or locals, but it has some unique stores including, a large wig shop and a nice shoe store and some interesting women's clothing stores, we go 1-2 times a year and I've gone as Lou or Louise.

This time I went as Lou but dressed in tight woman's jeans, woman's sandles and a form fitting spandex women's shirt and a baseball type cap and a woman's shoulder bag and looked pretty androgynous.

As we came in I needed to use the men's room, my wife waited in the main hallway. As I came out we started to walk and someone says behind me as he's passing "excuse me sweetie" as he goes by he's about 500+ pounds and African American, my wife said when I went into the men's room he called his wife (or whatever she was) and said to her, "that's a man, I know it's a man, but he's pretty". Even though I'm pretty straight and he definitely would never be my interest, I thought it was a great compliment.

Bottom line is, we all want to be admired under any circumstances.

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