Monday, October 21, 2013

Taken Aback Wednesday 10/16/13

Last Wednesday I went (as Louise) to a Chamber of Commerce event (I belong as Louise to promote my photography). The event was Celebrity Bar Tenders and was held at "Sopia" one of the more affluent restaurants in Margate City, NJ.

 The bartenders included Mayors, Assemblymen (who had actually worked in the trade years ago), some radio hosts and a variety of other locally well known people (I was not included although well known).

 As Louise I like to "work the crowd" and was very well appreciated, a few people actually have become VERY comfortable with me and often approach me voluntarily, I'm sometimes surprised and don't always recognize them out of context. One lady who did this to me must have been very experienced in these circumstances and when she approached me held her hand out and said "hello Louise, I'm Tina LoBiondo", I was overly impressed because I had met her very casually 2 or 3 times in other social settings and was overwhelmed by her recognition since I must have walked by her 4 or 5 times without even giving her notice.

Another person whom I have bumped into at Chamber Mixers (I think), was a stocky guy who through conversation told me he had been in a management position at one of the casinos, I didn't peruse the conversation although he started to press me with questions about my sexuality and I could see, especially after he mentioned I had beautiful eye's, where the conversation might be leading.

One of the Assemblyman's wives also grabbed hold of me and introduced me to her friend and mentioned to her that her husband keeps a picture of him and I on his desk, the picture was taken a few years ago at Tomatoes, next door to Sopia, another very popular location.

On my next encounter was a table of 5 lady's, one who reminded me that we go to the gym together, although she sees me as she's coming into the class as I'm leaving (I meet so many people I don't remember them, but I guess if I knew someone who dressed in unusual attire it would be hard to forget them). She introduced me to her friends and we got into a conversation about why I dress and what I consider myself in the "Alternative Lifestyle". I tried to use a couple comparisons and one was relating someone I never met although I had talked with a couple people who knew her and also some information gardened off the internet, her name is Rachel Harlow, a very famous local from Philly) Transsexual. I had learned (I thought factual) that she was absolutely stunning, owned a night club (bought for her by a "Mob guy") supposedly live in or near New Hope, PA, and from someone who worked with her she had large hands and also had been engaged to Jack Kelly (Grace Kelly's brother) Well most of this was denied by one of the lady's who seemed to be getting angry every time I mentioned something that was intended to be a polite description, because I really was fascinated by Harlow and always wanted to meet her.

 I was almost to the point of asking how she knew so much and just at that point the lady who knows me from the gym said "should we tell him", the lady who was (the know it all) says "I'm her sister", Holly shit, you could have knocked me over. I was absolutely speechless and "Taken Aback". It was an honor to meet her but I was also so embarrassed that I had made a couple of unfounded and ignorant statements, no wonder she was so defensive of her Sister.

I hope I learned my lesson to not speak off the cuff about things I don't have personal knowlage of, I chastise my wife for doing that and I fall into the same trap. I guess its true about gossip "What you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth".

 My public apology to anyone I may have offended.

1 comment:

scalesman said...

This just shows that it is often not possible to judge a book by its covers. We go through life making assumptions that sometimes turn out to be wrong.