Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Congressman's invitation

Last month I met an ex-congressman's son, I had mentioned the father in previous posts but the son had never met me. What I found interesting in this situation is the old axium "the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree" was right on.

Of course this person is a highly educated and confident criminal attorney and (I think) prosecutor, so dealing with someone like me was no issue.

As I walked into the tent where the function was being held, the candidate left the people he was in conversation with and greeted me by putting his arm into my elbow, as you would a Lady, and said I want to introduce you to someone. He walked me over to President Senator Sweeney. The senator is a HUGE man, my hand felt as if I put it into a baseball glove, I don't have very big hands, but I've always prided myself by not being over griped, I couldn't even span the width of his palm. What was interesting was his initial reaction towards me, it was almost as one of my friends likes to eloquently put it "seeing a train wreck", but he was polite.

As I mingled I was surprised that a few people only know me vicariously, one though her son I used to race bicycle with and a few who had seen the press articles about me. I was also surprised that even though this is a liberal party, people are often controlled by their peers no matter what they might believe or want to do, no one wants to be ostracized for doing something others might consider controversial, but I seemed to be well accepted or maybe just a curiosity, but I was made to feel very welcome.

One of the interesting conversations I had was with a "person of the cloth". We just started a general conversation and he told me a joke, I replied with one I know (slightly off color, but not rude), the next few jokes got a little more interesting.

When I was ready to leave I bid good night to the candidate and mentioned I may have had one drink to many, he offer to drive me home but I said "oh no, people might talk". I'm not sure how that went over. 

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