Thursday, October 16, 2014

I have no idea

A couple weeks ago my wife and I were at the Karaoke restaurant we normally go to on Saturday nights. As usual when we come in most of the people know us and great us with hugs and "Air Kisses".

We went over to our usual seating area by the front window, it's mostly blocked to the outside, so it's not a vanity issue for me and it's sort of in a very out of the way area. I usually get up to use the rest room or maybe just cruse around the bar area to talk to a few acquaintances for weekly updates about family or just general chit chat, so I'm not really parading obnoxiously around.

This night there were 2 women and a man, 40ish, sitting at the further end of the tables lined up from where we sit, they're usually 4 tables. They were pretty much not paying any attention to anything, I only know because when I get up to sing (embarrass myself) I like to look around to see the reactions, it didn't even look as if they noticed me.

Around 11:45 I motioned to my wife it was time to go, she wanted to say goodnight to a couple people and at the same time one of the women who was sitting by us came over to me and grabbed my face and said, I've been watching you all night and you have a great ass, well all I could say was thanks. She sits back down and the Karaoke guy puts on a dance song, the lady gets up again and drags me onto the dance floor, it's fine, it happens all the time. But, the guy she was with jumps up and runs onto the dance floor and grabs the woman by her hair and drags her off the dance floor yelling at the top of his lungs for her to sit and not move. He then looks at me like he wants to start something when my wife jumps in and starts to chastise him for doing what he did to the woman, she said you better check yourself into a woman's shelter, this was uncalled for and he's abusive.

On the way home my wife told me that when the woman went to the restroom he had followed her and stood in front of the door guarding it. I don't know what his concern was, she definitely wasn't anything to write home about, but he had a control situation going on in his mind.

At least he wasn't there this weekend, I think the manager flagged him.

1 comment:

Pat Scales said...

That guy sounds like a total jerk. For him to behave like that he must be totally insecure and suffer from a case of SDS. (Small d--- syndrome). My heart goes out to the lady who had to put up with that type of public abuse. I can only imagine what it may be like for her when they are not in public. Sad..very sad.