Tuesday, May 26, 2015

This Brought Tears to my Eyes

I just don't know why people treat me so well.
This past Saturday evening we went to one of our usual haunts for karaoke, I really don't sing very well.

As I'm sitting at my table of about 20 people, a lady comes over and says I have something for you and she hands me a framed record titled "Louise" and on the back they put a note.

I just started to tear up. Here I am a guy in a dress without any excesses except I look and feel better when dressed en-fem due to a low self esteem, something that may be difficult for others to understand.

For anyone to do what she did I must have affected them in a positive way.
It was simple but to me an honor.

1 comment:

Pat Scales said...

It should be no surprise that you come across as an honest and caring and brave person. There is a candor to your writing and I am certain that if we were to ever meet that I would find a wonderful honesty to your basic person.