Sunday, February 10, 2019

I know people either misunderstand or consider my “alter ego” weird, strange or any other pejorative term they care to use.
Yesterday a Photographer friend of mine (Dave Griffin) stopped over to help me recover a faded picture. I had dressed early because I was going to the Atlantic City Classic car show. Dave was not aware I was going to be “Louise” but volunteered to take a few portrait pictures for me.
Just so everyone knows, I have no delusions of wanting to be any one other than “Lou” I am nothing more than a mature man who prefers himself being easier on the eye’s, I am very happy with everything in my life.
I don’t pretend I pass, I don’t consider myself a “Trans-anything” I attempt to avoid “politically correct” terms but I try to accept everyone who is Respectable in their choices in life, we all need to do what makes us feel good to ourselves and brings meaning and understanding to others without malice.
When I saw this picture Dave took of me yesterday it reinforced why I love “My life as Louise”.

1 comment:

Pat Scales said...

That is a great photo. You look outstanding...not a day over 50.