Tuesday, March 10, 2009

You have to take the good with the bad

I've been having shoulder difficulty and am told it's ill repairable, I've had 3 opinions and I'm still not totally convinced that with today's advanced technology and skills that nothing can be done. I located a hospital in Arizona that does (I think) shoulder bone grafts. I contacted them and said I had new MRI's, I was asked to send them a CD with the pictures. I wanted to do this as soon as possible and went last Friday the 6 Th. to get a disc form the imaging office.
The office staff are always professional almost to the point of being overly animated and patronizing (a cool and firm greeting) . For example, "YES, HOW MAY I HELP YOU!" "TAKE A SEAT AND FILL THIS OUT!" you get the idea. Well Friday is my Louise day and I had other errants besides that one so I wanted to be dressed. I went into the Imaging office and the same young lady who usually (puts me in my place, firmly) says "yes madman, how may I help you?" I explained my needs and she said "no problem, you need to fill out this form, but I can do it for you" she filled the form out for me and gave it to me to sign and said, "I hope you don't mind, we usually need 24 hours notice but because it's Friday it won't be done till Monday morning" she was so apologetic, almost to the point of tears. I really don't know what my impact on her was but I think next time I need an MRI Louise is going.
My next errant was to stop at my local thrift store since I had missed Wednesdays sale day. It wasn't very busy but I did recognize one person who I'm sure is a closet CD, he's sort of a very heavy guy and I'm sure very closeted and nervous, he always looks around to see if someone notices he's in the lady's department. Another man, I didn't pay any attention to was checking out dresses, he was a little taller than me, maybe 5'5 or 5'6 Hispanic with a carpenters type jacket and wool cap on. He come over to me and shows me a dress and says, this would look nice on you, then he has another one on his arm and holds it in front of himself and says this one is for me, he also had some panties and a couple of bra's hanging from his hand.
I've been patronizing this thrift shop about 8-9 years, there's a woman assistant manager (possibly Filipino, but no matter) she never smiles always "scans" me in a very negative and questioning way, never a smile and I just figured didn't speak English well. I picked out a few items I liked and tried them for fit. I went to the register to check out and she was working the register, I said to myself "I'm in for it now, I'm sure she'll give me a nasty look" I put the items on the counter and she looks right into my eye's and say "Very nice, I like, and your lips look so good" I was stunned, I didn't even know she spoke English and also so nice to me, maybe she didn't even put the two of me together, but what a feeling I had, LOUISE WORKS.
The same day I had made arrangements for a new friend to visit, she's a TS, she came about 5:30 PM after getting confused with directions (good thing for cell phones). We talked about 10-15 minuets before Millie (my wife) came home. Millie helped our new friend with some light makeup and we went out for what we thought would be a nice dinner, light drinks and music. I got the shock of my life which I will post after I decide on what course of action I need to pursue.
Saturday I did 42 miles on the bike and I was finished and riding slowly (10 mph) with a friend talking, I rode off the lip of the road and when I tried to get back on I was flipped off the bike, as usual you always re injure something you want to protect, I did a flip onto my head (I always wear a helmet) and all my weight onto my bad shoulder, I said to myself, just my damn luck, as bad as it hurt now I'm done for good. I got home iced my hand and shoulder and took some Advil, I can't believe it, my shoulder hasn't felt this good in 6 months, maybe I'll fall on it next time it bothers me.

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