Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My reason for Louise

I'm pretty sure anyone in this lifestyle has asked themselves or have been asked what they really want out of this lifestyle. Many insist they were born the other gender than what they are "MTF or FTM", many just like the idea of cross dressing in private, then advancing to going out, maybe passing in public and so on.

Today, while washing my car it came to me, I don't want or need to be a woman, I've really never felt other than what I am, a guy who looks and is treated better as "Louise". So in my particular case I just want to be Lou as Louise, I want to be treated the way people may see me, as a person who has the courage to be themselves, make a reasonable appearance in public and not someone looking for more than consideration and acceptance.

I think to many, so called "TG" lifestyle people are pushed over the edge by peer pressure and then realize afterwards they made a terrible mistake. Many have never even ventured out in public in they're alter ego persona, but have this burning desire to transition. Yes, after 13 years and meeting many TS's, I did finally meet one who seems to have made the right choice as far as their holistic manners, presentation, voice and style, but they even are dealing with some questions. After all it took me almost a life time to finally come to some sort of answer about myself.

I think many people forget the word "compromise", I have and am much happier for it..


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