Sunday, January 10, 2010

Kiss on the lips at a Semi Red Neck bar

I don't often go into this bar because it's mostly younger people who are mostly trades men (pickup truck types), and rather than expose myself to ridicule or someones Bravado, I just by pass the place by.

Friday I went in after about a year and was greeted by a few woman who had never met me before but became interested in my persona. One woman was a Philadelphia Detective who was there with a girl friend. A big guy who looked very "Red Neck" turned out to be a newly sworn in counsel man and ex prosecutor who also happens to rent an office above a lawyer I ride bike with. He said he had heard of me but never met me. He was a total gentleman. Goes to show you you can't tell a book by it's cover.

I like to walk around when I'm in a lounge and over in a corner were a few people I knew for years as Louise, they're like groupie's. The one person who is like the leader and VERY straight grabbed me and kissed me right on the lips. I was really taken by surprise especially him being with about 10 of his close friends.

My comment to him was, Bob, you never kissed me public. It was funny.

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