Sunday, March 28, 2010

A straight man hits on me with his wife watching

Friday night I was at karaoke in Absecon, NJ. I go about once a month and the crowd is very accepting of me, sometimes to much. I've had a number of men who are alone want to become very friendly, but on occasion a married man will become talkative with me after they've been introduce, but try to be some what discrete about their feelings.

Well Saturday night this guy couldn't have been more noticeable if he had a flashing neon sign and bull horn, he was on me like white on rice.

Fist off I wanted to walk over to the other side, he was standing at the end of a table and there was a very narrow space for me to fit, you would think he would at least go to the side of the table, so I had to squeeze between the bar stools and his belly to get past him. He looked down on me with a BIG grin on his face.

I finally settled at a side bar about 10 feet from him, his wife and their friends another couple, he was just turn on his seat staring at me very obviously to his wife and friends.

I was called up to sing (if you want to call it that) and when I came back it gave him an opening to approach me and compliment me on my (lol) ability. I really don't know what feeling my butt had to do with my singing ability though, I can say this,without reservation, he had other things on his mind than my voice. I think he got more than he expected when his and his wife were alone, she wasn't a glamor girl and I'm sure she was embarrassed and PISSED.

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