Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Millville Craft Show

A couple weeks ago a friend of my wife ask us to come to the Millville "Arts & Craft show".

It started out as a light rainy day so I didn't feel guilty about missing my bike race, I needed the break anyway. I was dressed by 10:30 AM and our usual venue is we go to a local restaurant for breakfast. I've been there quite a number of times as Louise, but the new cashier has never seen me. As I walked in she dropped her jaw and asked me to just stop where I was so she could check me out.

As we sat in our both one person who knows us came over and sat with us until our food came. After we were done I needed the rest room (I use the men's). Of course as I walked in I was given a few stares and as I was leaving a patron was entering with his roughly 8 year old son and had to recheck the door to make sure he was going into the men's room, I love the look on guy's faces when that happens.

As I went back to my booth there was another couple I've know for years and the lady sat with us also till her food came. As we were leaving I stopped at a table where a very old couple (very late 80's) were who also know me both ways, the older lady looked at my legs, reached over and started to rub my thigh, I was wearing shorts.

I'm curtain people were whispering.

We finally got to the craft show where I met Miss New Jersey, if I wasn't married I think I could give her a run for the money, LOL.


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