Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Such is Life

I've mentioned that due to my competitive cycling activity, I (and others) have created some self induced physical ailments. One of mine is I had dehydrated a few years ago and created a blood clot in one of my eyes. One of the treatments is to have injections of a serum in that eye, yes, it hurts just like a sharp stick in the eye.
I've been going for treatment to an ocular specialist who claimed that it should have taken about a half dozen treatments but I've been getting an injection for 4 years every two months.
I finally asked another eye professional if there was any other treatment and he suggested a new doctor. Having nothing to lose, I went to the new Dr. and his comments were, "you have developed a tolerance to that serum about 3 years ago and treatment afterwards was useless, you need a different drug".
He then started treatment after taking pictures of my retina and showed me what the issue was and what he wanted to achieve. That was about 2 months ago, I just went again this Monday and he took pictures before the second injection and showed me there had been a dramatic improvement, he says I may only need 3-4 more injections but I may not regain the lost vision because it has been too long.
The lesson is, if you're not seeing an improvement after a reasonable period, get 2-3-4 second opinion's, you never know what someone else may have experienced or has had positive results with.

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