Thursday, September 08, 2011

The Mayor and me

A few weeks ago a group of people I know from Philly asked me to join them at a local restaurant which has a back bar with a "DJ".As I walked onto the deck I was greeted as some type of celebrity, all of a sudden about 5 people that I have met on and off at this and other lounges all were gabbing for my attention. I hate when people ask me if I remember them, it's very difficult and I don't want to insult anyone nor embarrass myself, I usually say yes I do, but I just have a hard time remembering names, hopefully that mitigates my forgetfulness.
As I was there, I was introduced to a Lady who is also a Mayor of a small nearby town, she was very impressed with me and over the next hour or so before she left, she just kept pulling me onto the dance floor and being overly friendly, then she would say "I do need to be careful, everyone has camera phones". I really felt very impressed that someone of her position was as gregarious and open to act in such a friendly way.
I admire people who have become comfortable with me enough to treat me as a "NORMAL" and special person and respect me enough to want to share me with their special friends, My hat is off to you, thank you.

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