Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Little Things Mean a Lot

Under normal circumstances this wouldn't seem like such a big deal, but in my case it was very heartfelt and impressive.

Last week I went to a funeral of a past customer of mine, many of my old customers had followed me between two different locations and because at one time I had a tremendous amount of competition in my neighborhood (they had at least 5 other choices for the same service within a 2 block area), so I tried to be as devoted to them as they were to me.

This happened to be a Jewish service, I'm half Austrian Jew half Italian so a little familure with both services, I much prefer the Jewish customs. As I was walking to my car after the service the ex-partner of the deceased woman's husband who were both Neurosurgeons, put his window down and asked if I was going to the cemetery, I said I'm not sure, he said, come on get in I'll take you and bring you back, we can go to the Shiva afterwards.

OK you ask, what's the big deal, well it's this, just about everyone, including this Doctor who has met me out en-femme knows I'm a Cross Dresser aka Transvestite. He had so much respect for me, so much self confidence in himself, such a mensh (A mensch is someone who is responsible, has a sense of right and wrong and is the sort of person other people look up to), that he had no issue with lowering himself to my level and insist he act as my chauffeur.

It is hard for me to convey how impressed I was with this small act of kindness considering the way most people have treated me as Lou and then to have someone of this persons caliber be so nice to me, it has helped restore my confidence in people. His wife (who is dealing with some illness) was also an example as to the way people treated Lou, but one night when I was out in Margate at a higher end restaurant/lounge, I was taken back by the lady manager to a table where this Doctor his wife and 3 other ex-customers of mine were seated (all Doctors) and she had made her husband get out of his seat to allow me to sit next to her where she put her arm into mine, another statement as to why I am compelled to Cross Dress.

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