Monday, September 13, 2021

Saturday night 9/11/2021

 Saturdays are a typical day and night I go out, I've had to limit the radius that I travel now due to people buying me Adult beverages, I try to stay at a 3 limit but sometimes a drink is poured before I have a chance to pass it off.

This Saturday I went to local restaurant lounge where the owner is very conservative (as I am) but polite towards me. I found a seat between two couples and the lady to my left started a conversation, we only talked about 2 minutes before the lady on the other side of a gentleman next to me recognize the lady to my left was her cousin and wanted to talk with her, I offered to swap seats so they could sit together and wound up next to a guy (about late 50's) who looked like he worked-out and was, possibly a carpenter or other trade person. I asked what he was eating because it looked good and he took the menu and looked it up for me, which I thought was very considerate. His main course came and I mentioned the food was always great there and I take my wife a few times a year. He sort of  questioned my statement by saying "Wife" I said yes and he said "well I guess at the stage of our country with guys marring guys women do the same" I said well I am a "guy" he looked and said I had no idea, I mentioned I considered it a compliment although I never considered myself passable, he disagreed he was convinced I was a female.  


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