Friday, November 20, 2009

Stockton State Collage

Monday night I was introduced to a department director from Stockton State Collage, I was of course Louise. It was at a gay venue and it was fairly obvious that he was gay. We only spoke for a moment and he invited me to a presentation the collage was having the next night, Tuesday.

Since it was about Cd's and Transitioning I went as Louise (why not). It was fairly interesting but I didn't feel very informative. The first speaker was a professor who could have been a closet CD, he had a full beard and was about 6'3 or so. As he was reading from his prepared notes he took his shirt off and then pull the rest of a long dress out of his pants. He then read another half page of document and walked out. The next speaker is a director of some Trans Gendered group and only discussed the fact that 175 Trans sexuals were murdered last year, I regret that, but I don't know why he was presenting those facts to a group of mostly gay and accepting collage students, the director and I concurred on that. The third speaker was a young lady who is in the processes of becoming another Chasity Bono and was even built like her.

It was something to do that night, but I came away with nothing other than confirming, we come in many flavors and I still have no idea what Transsexuals think they'er going to accomplish with the need for the physical change. I've read about it, discussed it with people who seem to know what their talking about, but in my case, I've just never met one TS who was really happy with the final decision.

Maybe it's me!

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