Tuesday, February 08, 2011

The Union League of Philadelphia

I could have swore I had posted about this experience a few years ago about a dinner I was invited to at The Union League of Philadelphia. It was for exclusive clients of a very large and popular investment firm so everyone there were of upper class and then there was me, Louise.

If you're not familiar with the Union League of Philadelphia it's one of the most exclusive and oldest men's clubs in America. You can look up the requirements to become a member and other details online.

As I walked into this very ornate and unique building I was a little concerned as to how I would be accepted, there was nothing i had in common with anyone else there. I was introduced to the investment firm managers by my account executive, I'm sure they were all a little speechless but also very reserve.

I was directed to the dining room and only saw one other couple there, so I went over and introduced myself. The gentleman, very stately and obviously someone who would belong to
this type organization, it is a "white Anglo saxon blue blood" group, so I was concerned he would be a little direct or stand offish towards me, but to my surprise as the evening progressed he became very friendly.

This was my experiance.

The room filled very quickly, each table seated 10 people, he sat next to his wife a good 2 feet away from me, but we still talked. I decided to go to the bar for a glass of wine, he, I asked his profession, was a lawyer, offered the escort me to the bar, I was really surprised. He asked what I was drinking and I asked for a Merlow, to my surprised he ordered the same for himself, his wife still had her drink. That surprised me, because being around people of upper status, they usually like a Scotch or Bourbon, don't ask me why, I can't drink that stuff.

We came back to the table and he moved his seat half way between myself and his wife. We talked about investments, he gave me a great stock which I bought and has done great for me even during the drastic down turn. We were served dinner and I was ready for another class of wine, I excused myself and he offered to escort me again, he ordered for both of us, not his wife, who I had only greeted when I first walked in but never talked with after that. When we got back to our table he moved next to me, leaving his wife about 2 feet from him, it had nothing to do with being attracted to me, I think he was just being polite and it was easier to talk.

We only talked a little while longer till the meeting started and afterwords were server desert and coffee. The other people wanted to join into our conversation and for what ever reason it felt to me that I was leading the whole conversation at the table, no one was rude or patronizing, it was as if I was just the center of attention (which I do love) but I wasn't looking or expecting that in that type environment, these were all professional people or large business owners. As I said, when I first walked in I was quite unsure as to how this level of group would accept me, they did a good job. I wish I could meet the person I sat with again, he made me feel like I belonged. I really admire people who can look beyond the outside shell and see inside, my hat is off to him and the others I was with that night.

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