Monday, November 14, 2011

Camber of Commerce

Wednesday I went to a Chamber of Commerce get together as Louise, about 125 people attended, most were owners or managers of local businesses and also the re-elected Surrogate Judge and a current Mayor (who I've known for many years).
A few people greeted me without any reservation, I guess most have become fairly comfortable with my "alter ego".
I was sitting with a lady who joined me at my table when some announcements were being made, I really wasn't paying much attention until I thought I heard me name mentioned, I asked the lady sitting with me, if I heard right that I was announced (introduced) by the person speaking who said "we have "Louise Tate" with us tonight. I was really surprised when everyone applauded. I mentioned to my table guest I was impressed with that introduction, the lady said why, I said I don't think they have many cross dressers as members, she asked, you're a man. Maybe I pass better than I thought.
I have to mention in all honesty, even though the judge knows and respects my brother (who was county treasurer), I don't want to go before him if I ever wind up in court, of course he would need to excuse himself, but I could see the Book being thrown at me.

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